Join us

If you or your daughter would like to be a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide, Ranger or Adult member then you can contact Girlguiding where you can register to get involved, your enquiry will then be passed to the relevant group and area.


We are committed to ensuring children and young people who are in the Care of the Local Authority can share the opportunities that Girlguiding has to offer. If you would like any help in getting girls to join local units please contact us at and we will ensure a member of our team will support you with this.


Register your daughter to join us for the first time or to re-join.

Register your interest in volunteering and find out more about opportunities local to you.

Join the Trefoil Guild Whether you’re involved in guiding or not, Trefoil Guild is a wonderful opportunity to meet like-minded people to share your next adventure.



Joomla Social Extensions